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Budweiser Renamed "America"

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May 10, 2016
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Budweiser Beer is now named America. Because America. [WATCH]

In an American move which will please Americans, Anheuser-Busch filed a new label to the ATF and Trade Bureau. The new name? America! We love this. Because we love America. And Americans deserve to enjoy a cold American on an American summer day.

American currency has long held claim to being the only thing found in bars that boasts the phrase “E Pluribus Unum.” This summer, Budweiser wants to change that by rebranding itself as “America” and peppering its packaging with that very phrase, alongside some others like “Liberty and Justice for All” and “Indivisible Since 1776.”That’s right. The company wants to replace “Budweiser,” the name of the beer, with the word “America,” the name of our country, for the summer. According to AdAge, Anheuser-Busch InBev has filed the above label for approval from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.In addition to the aforementioned phrases, the word-heavy label would include, in all capital letters, the following: “Land of the Free,” “Home of the Brave” and “From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters this land was made for you and me.”Don’t worry — there’s more. It’s topped with a diamond containing “U.S.” and a smaller “United States of America” and that is topped with the lyrics from the first four bars of the “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

You can read the full American story from The Washington Post here. This isn't the first time Budweiser has shown their American pride. Check out their add from this time last year: look forward to a cold American in the coming months. Let us know what you think in the comments section and on our social media pages!

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