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Canadian Skeet Shooting

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January 20, 2016
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Skeet Shooting Canadian Style

Skeet shooting can be a lot of fun, whether you're doing it for competition or just as a stress reliever, there is something satisfying about completely obliterating a flying disc.We can't say that we're all that surprised that "Canadian" skeet shooting would involve hockey, we imagine that most Canadians can skate before they can walk. However, this is a pretty innovative way to launch your clay into the sky while also practicing for your upcoming hockey tryouts! Just kidding Canada, we know you do more than play play more hockey, and keeping denim at the forefront of fashion, curling, and being notoriously known as friendly people. (All of this is verified, we have a Canadian on location)Sorry about all the jokes, eh!


Looks like a lot of fun, and afterwards you can go warm up with a nice cup of hot coffee and a doughnut from good ole Tim Horton's!Well, we can sit her and keep making Canadian jokes all day, but we have to get back to making some badass gear. We hope you enjoyed the video, let us know what you think or crazy ways that you have done some skeet shooting in the comment section or on Facebook.[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]

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