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Fugitive Tries to Steal Combat Veteran's Identity

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March 25, 2016
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Fugitive Tries To Steal Combat Veteran's Motorcycle

Nothing like seeing a fugitive running in to a Combat Veteran and it really not working out for them. This guy definitely picked the wrong person to try and steal from, and it makes for a pretty entertaining video.https://youtu.be/W4VWNhDZOfw

MESA, AZ - While waiting at a stoplight, a veteran's combat skills were put to the test when a wanted man, who led police on a chase , approached him from behind and tried to steal his motorcycle.Brandon Jenkins was on his bike on Southern Avenue and San Jose when Joshua Michael Monigold, who was driving a white pick-up truck , ran out of the truck and tried to push Jenkins off of his motorcycle just as he was about to take off.3Jenkins, a combat veteran, fought back. He wasn't going to let his bike, which he purchased with money earned during his time in the military, get stolen."One minute this dude is trying to rip me off my bike and I'm trying to fight him," Jenkins said. "And then I see two cops pull up and draw their firearms."Jenkins said he wasn't sure what was going on, he just thought he was being attacked.
During the altercation, Monigold was able to get on the motorcycle, but not before being knocked down by the veteran."I had instincts that kicked in and where I've been in life I learned to defend myself," he said. "And I don't back down from anybody."

Read the full story from ABCLet us know what you think about this in the comment section or on social media.

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