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Riton Optics

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January 1, 1970
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RitonNo work life balance, kids, desire to be own bosses."We've always been independent people; we were always coming up with new ideas for potential businesses or products."White board - entrepreneur ideas - dog poopLaw enforcement, hunting, and military backgroundWife Karrie worked for IBM as an engineer - ended as COO of the companyBrady worked in the Air Force for quite some time, ended up in law enforcement.Both jobs meant long hours, time away from kids, and little control over their true ability to "bloom" in success.Breaking point was after a long shift for Brady, travel for Karrrie, baby on the way. "We just looked at each other and said 'what are we doing this for?' We were working these long hours, for someone else.""Family is important."Began consulting for an optics business, people with little to no knowledge of the customer. Ended up taking it over.First three years were spent developing product, testing, networking with customers who would be using the optics to make sure that the features on them would be useful, desireable, and natural fits for their clientelle. Been on the market for just under a year now.Had to give up yet more free time to get to a point where they are happier with their lives now. And the product seems to be taking off."We've been shocked with the amount of support and grateful for it.""People typically use what they know in this industry."Ultimate lifetime warranty, multi-generational. If you can manage to break it, you get a brand new one; no messing around with refurbished or repaired optics. Several different products that will please hunters, law enforcement, and military personnel alike.Reaching new customers - younger customers that are looking for something special in the brand they use "We weren't re-inventing the wheel. We wanted to take technology that already existed and make it better.""We weren't re-inventing the wheel. We wanted to take technology that already existed and make it better."Giving back, veteran owned. Lunches for law enforcement.Customer service oriented "I can give you the nubmers of serveral other optics comapnies; good luck trying to speak with a person and get the personalized help you need.""People will call us and say, 'This is the gun I have, what optic should I put on it? How do I know what optic is the right one?' And our customer service guys can help them out.""You can call us up and we'll walk you through the buying process if you need."

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