|virginia tech basketball coach's powerful lesson
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VT Basketball Coach's Powerful Lesson

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March 8, 2016
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Respect for our flag and respect for our national anthem are things that are not taught in too many places any more. In the sporting world, there have been several cases where players have used the national anthem as a time for them to make political statements about their dislike of the country that has made them a millionaire.The national anthem being played before sporting events is becoming something that is cliched and for many people, a nuisance that takes away time from the game.Not everyone thinks that way though including the head basketball coach at Virginia Tech, Buzz Williams.When Coach Williams noticed that his players were goofing off during the national anthem and not being respectful like they should be, he took action. He wanted to teach his players that there are people out there who have done more than they can ever imagine and that freedom is not free.Coach Williams wanted to make sure that he taught his players a powerful lesson. He did not fail.

Virginia Tech Basketball Coach's Powerful Lesson


virginia tech basketball coach's powerful lesson

Thank you Coach Williams for teaching your players an important lesson. It's a lesson that needs to be taught more often and in more places. If only more would follow your example.

virginia tech basketball coach's powerful lesson
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