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4-Gauge Shotgun: Can You Handle It?

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June 27, 2016
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This monster of a weapon is the 4 Gauge Winchester Wildflower, weighing in at 19 lbs. this shotgun was made for taking out dinosaurs...just kidding, but it would probably get the job done. In all reality, this weapon was created by Thomas Gray Bennett, son-in-law of Winchester president Oliver Winchester who ran the firearm company from 1890-1910.

4 gauge

4 Gauge Shotgun you can see by the video, this thing was no joke. With shells that size, it probably didn't feel very good to shoot it. In fact if Gersh Kuntzman "got PTSD" from firing an AR-15, we wonder what this thing would do to him.Let us know what you think about this in the comment section or on social media.

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