We are just over two months away from the party of the Summer! Grunt Style will be returning to the party hot spot Blarney Island on July 30. Ok now that we have the where and the when out of the way, here's what we need from you. We need help picking out the shirt design for the party and we want you to help.Below are the designs we have come up with and we think they are awesome but we can't pick one. Since it's your party and not ours, we want you folks out there to pick the design. Whichever of these designs has the most votes by June 15 will be the Grunt Fest 2 shirt for 2016. Here are the designs for Grunt Fest 2:[caption id="attachment_4392" align="alignleft" width="300"]
The Grunt Fest 2 Beach[/caption][caption id="attachment_4393" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Operation Grunt Fest 2[/caption][caption id="attachment_4394" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Join Grunt Fest 2[/caption]Those are the designs. Let's get to the voting for the Grunt Fest 2 shirt:[socialpoll id="2360470"]Place your vote and be sure to let your friends know. If you want your favorite design to win, you'll need to have the votes.Tickets are on sale now at www.gruntstyle.com for a steal of a price for the fun and mayhem that you will experience at this party. You do not want to miss out on this. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Grunt Fest, here is what went down last year. Keep in mind, this is what we could show in a video:Grunt Fest 1 - 2015https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2IeXroLyy4