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Dark Comedy: Veterans and Building Bridges

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2 min. read
January 1, 1970
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To quote Donny O' Malley: “Veterans have a unique experience that has given them a unique perspective, which is often misunderstood. VET Tv makes content that represents the veteran perspective for the first time in film and television”We don't have a better experience. We have a unique experience. And that is even true across all military occupational specialties. Grunts have a different experience than air wingers, air wingers have a different perspective than logistics personnel, officers and enlisted even in the same field have a different experience...but what binds us together? Humor.Sometimes off color and horrible to those outside looking in, the dark humor is a tool in the toolbox, just like rage and hate are as well. How else are you to deal with the fact that 5 minutes ago your best friend and you enjoyed a cigarette and now he's dead and you have a patrol to go on? Tell us the perfect way to process those emotions where you were joking five minutes ago, and now you're headed out to kill or maim whoever did that to your boy.Humor is how we deal. It's how every fighter deals...

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