In spite of the fact that it seems that Americans are getting tired of being told what to care about and how to feel about any given thing from Hollywood, rapper Eminem just pushed out more divisive rhetoric. Unlike Jimmy Kimmel who took to his show to push keeping Obamacare and new gun control legislation, Eminem did what he knew: He rapped. His target? President Trump. Here's an excerpt of what he had to say and what Benghazi hero Kris Paronto said in a reply on his Instagram. Yeah, this really is a Paronto Eminem battle (there's a fight we never thought we'd see!). We think we know where you'll stand when you read both comments, but please don't hold back with your comments. It'll be hilarious to hear the once relevant Eminem get roasted, after all.
Paronto Eminem Battle of Words: Eminem's Rant, or Rap, Depending on your POV:
"Racism is the only thing he's fantastic for because that's how he gets his f****n rocks off and he's orange. Yeah, sick tan. That's why he wants us to disband.Because he cannot withstand the fact were not afraid of Trump. Walking on eggshells, I came to stomp. That's why he keeps screaming 'drain the swamp,' because he's in quicksand.Now if you're a black athlete, you're a spoiled little brat for trying to use your platform or your stature to try to give those a voice who don't have one.He says you're spitting in the face of vets who fought for us, you 'b*****s' Unless you're a P.O.W., whose tortured and battered because to him you're zeroes because he don't like his war heroes captured."
Paronto Eminem Battle of Words: Kris Paronto's Reply
Saw some posts this morning about the candy rapper m&m rapping his opinion ... we’ll it swayed me to disrespect the flag and follow the opinion of the ex 49’er QB and kneel during the pledge of allegiance disrespecting all who served ..........wait, no it didn’t .If I want advice on how to commit domestic abuse, live in excess, disrespect the masses as well as lessons on ungratefulness I’ll listen to m&m and the NFL players. Until then I’ll wear my shirt with pride throughout my travels and continue to stand for the flag and pledge of allegiance for this great nation.I’ll be damned if I let anyone including adolescent athletes and pop culture crybabies turn this symbol of freedom and courage ,who many of my teammates, families and friends sacrificed for , into a symbol of oppression and bigotry. The only bigots & racists I have seen throughout this are from the “kneelers” and their supporters. For hell's sake I even saw a post stating that those that support the are the ones who burn crosses ... really??!!You have to be a special kind of stupid for that view, guess my Latino cross burning crew will need to get our torches ready for tonight. Like me or not for saying this , I could give a shit, unfollow me , I won’t lose a wink of sleep . I’ll continue standing for this great country , for freedom, for honor, for courage, and sacrifice and the symbol this represents. So I’m crossing your line in the sand killer @eminem ... #sorrynotsorry#zerofucksgiven #bringiton #tantodontgiveashit#istandfortheflag #istandfortheanthem #notonmywatch#dtom #backtheblue #bluelivesmatter #buhbye#godblessamerica #godblessourtroops #rltw #suasponte#tanto #therangerway #ranger #battboy#75thrangerregiment @americanmilitarynews@maximdefense @espnnfl @alienarmorgear @88tactical@american_trigger_pullers @standupfortheflag
What's your take on the Paronto Eminem Stand off? Did Tonto take Eminem down or did the rapper's voice connect with more people? Here at American Grit, we wish Slim Shady would just go back to hie earlier work and stay out of politics.