Facing fear...We've been writing so much bad news in this last week and it pains our hearts. To look at the events of this last week and try as much as we're able, to empathize and put words to the emotions an entire country must be feeling. We know there is sadness, we know there is mourning. Grief is in so many hearts right now. As is fear. Fear that these events will continue to happen, and fear that rights will be stripped away. We must face this fear.Nobody told us that life was going to be easy. It is fraught with danger, turmoil and pain. We are stronger than those characteristics of life. As you start your week this Monday morning, facing fear head on, whatever it may be. Remember this, you are enough. Everything you've done up until this point has prepared you for this. You will succeed. Fear is nothing but a false expectation of actual results. If you have lived bravely and done your best then fear should flee your mind.Go forth this week with confidence and assurance that you are more than capable of tackling whatever scenario fear has built up in your mind to be worse than it actually is. When we let fear in, and we let it dictate our lives and our actions, the people who have lived to create that fear win. And we, we're just not going to hand them a victory so easily. We're going to fight back with every ounce of our soul and our being. We invite you this week to tackle fear and show it that it has no place in your life. Live fearlessly and fight the good fight with mind, body, and soul.We are more than the actions of the evil, we are more than the fear that has found refuge in our minds. Fight back!
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