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See What Happens When You Try to Steal a Cop's Gun

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March 25, 2016
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See What Happens When You Try To Steal A Cops Gun

It's pretty obvious (to most people, anyway) that you shouldn't try to steal a cops gun from might even expect to be shot at for doing so. Well, this guy was apparently never taught that.We don't know all the details of this case, but what we do know, is that the bad guy was shot in the forehead once and taken to the hospital. While you would think that a shot to the forehead would mean a trip to the morgue instead of the hospital, this guy seems to have a hard head.

try to steal a cops gun

Is the bullet in the forehead enough? No it is not. What happens in this video shows the danger that police have to deal with every day. A bullet to the head didn't stop this guy from trying to take this cop's gun.What happens when you try to take a cop's gun? Check out the video below and see. This guy definitely found out the hard way.

Idiot Tries to Steal Cops Gun

try to steal a cops gun

What would you have done in this situation?Let us know what you think about this in the comment section or on social media.

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