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Top 5 Duty Stations in the Marine Corps

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January 4, 2018
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You've seen the Worst Duty Stations in the Marine Corps, now let's talk about the top duty stations in the Marine Corps.1. Marine Corps Base HawaiiYou're in Hawaii. Nobody else in the entire Marine Corps cares that it's so difficult for you to travel home. You're in a tropical paradise with great weather and beautiful people. It's really not a bad place to be and you make everyone else sick for complaining about it as much as you do.

top duty stations in the Marine Corps

2. Camp Pendelton, California

top duty stations in the Marine Corps

The weather is generally nice and you have a beach literally right across the street from you. There could be far worse places to be in the Marine Corps. If you don't believe us, take a three-hour trip north to a friendly place called Twentynine Palms. This is one of the top duty stations in the Marine Corps.3. Marine Corps Air Station Miramar

top duty stations in the Marine Corps

It's like being at Camp Pendelton without having to deal with Oceanside. Also, chances are if you're at Miramar, you're in the "wing" and you already enjoy a pretty cush life. You're not a grunt slaving away in the elements, especially since San Diego weather is pretty great.4. Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport California

top duty stations in the Marine Corps

Yeah, it gets cold here, but the benefit here is you're in the mountains, it's a beautiful place to be especially if you're into outdoor activities like camping, fishing and the like. You also have the benefit of it not being a huge installation with a ton of higher ranking folks around. If you're in Bridgeport, you're pretty much left alone, which is something every Marine can enjoy.5. Marine Corps Detachment, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

top duty stations in the Marine Corps

Yes, you're technically in this hostile island nation. But aside from the occasional hurricane, the weather there is pretty sweet and you're only a hop skip and jump away from Florida. You're kind of in the same boat as Hawaii, except you don't have to go to the field. You're just chilling on a tropical island. It's not like Cuba will ever attack Guantanamo Bay Naval Base anyways, it'd be suicide. You're safe and you're in the tropics, count your blessings.

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