Veterans Chase Down Protesters Disrespecting Flag
Although this happened back in 2014, some people may have not seen this. In this video, you will see two Veterans, a Marine and a Soldier, chase down protesters displaying the Flag upside down, and while some will argue that it's protected under the 1st Amendment, it is still kind of a dick move...mostly because they're using the Flag to promote whatever current "social injustice" they believe they are fighting.For those who don't understand why these Veterans are so upset, it's because the men and women who have served and sacrificed everything for this Country are buried beneath it. It's more than just a piece of cloth, it's the symbol of the Free World, the representation of the fighting spirit of young men and women who would give their lives to fight for those who can't fight, it makes dictators shake with fear when they see it on the shoulders of our Soldiers advancing towards them.
You may not always agree with the government or the wars that we are involved in, but remember, the Flag is not the symbol of the government, it is the symbol of America...and we are ALL Americans. Yes, we have the 1st Amendment which protects Freedom of expression, speech, and religion, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you always should. Men and women have died for that Flag and to give you the right to act that way.Let us know what you think about this in the comment section or on social media.