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Bear Encounter: When a Kayak Meets a Grizzly

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October 1, 2015
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Bear rips up kayak in Alaska

Bear rips up kayak in Alaska

After shooting a bear in the face with pepper spray, Mary Maley got paid back by the bear immediately. From The Verge:If karma is real, then it's neatly demonstrated by this video — starring a bear, a kayak, and an increasingly upset woman — from Southeast Alaska. "Thank you for leaving my kayak alone," camera operator Mary Maley shouts to a bear roving around outside a US Forest Service cabin in Berg Bay. "I'm going to pepper spray you in the face." The bear, presumably annoyed by the burst of stinking, stinging liquid, turns on its furry heels and decides to set about destroying the thing the unseen Maley apparently loves the most.


"Why are you doing that?" she shouts, trying to reason with the fluffy mass of muscle, teeth, and claws as it bats around her kayak like a chunk of polystyrene. "Why are you breaking my kayak?" When appealing to the bear's (non-existent) sense of mercy fails, Maley instead turns to the laws of nature, asking the bear why it's roaming around at the end of September when it's "supposed to be asleep." Throughout, she refers directly to the bear as "bear" — perhaps if she'd learned its name, the creature might have felt more inclined to leave her kayak alone.See the rest of this story from Rich McCormick.Here is the video. Caution: might make your ears bleed.

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