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Flamethrower Buy Legal Video

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October 10, 2016
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Flamethrowers helped the United States take on the Japanese during World War II. They are the inspiration for the Ghostbusters packs, and some of the coolest implements in the world.They're also perfectly legal in 48 states. No background check, no FFL, no NFA involved. If you live in Maryland, you're out of luck; California, however, you can get a permit and still own one.If you've ever thought about buying a flamethrower, now's the time. There are pretty cool commercially-available varieties.Flamethrowers can be used for clearing snow and ice, clearing weeds, controlled burns, firefighting, ground insect control, pyrotechnic events, starting bonfires and pure, unadulterated fun.[caption id="attachment_8427" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]


Source: DoD[/caption]The X15 and the XM42 are two varieties at different price points. The XM42 is a handheld version with a 1.5L tank and takes a mixture of gasoline and gas-diesel fuel. Starting at around $1,200, it is the economic version of the fire-chucking device.[caption id="attachment_8428" align="aligncenter" width="960"]


XM42 Flamethrower. Source: Awesomer[/caption]The X15 is a much bigger, backpack-style flamethrower that reaches up to 50ft, and you can even put napalm in it. It holds 3 gallons of fuel and is rated up to 4,000 psi.[caption id="attachment_8429" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

The X15 Flamethrower. Source: Throwflame.com

The X15 Flamethrower. Source: Throwflame.com[/caption]So are they safe? According to the creators of the X15, as you shoot your flamethrower, the space in the tank is replaced with CO2, which makes the chances of internal fire impossible. That's not to say that user error won't burn you. You should treat these flamethrowers like a deadly weapon or a tool, the same that you would a firearm.Want an X15? Well, it'll cost you: about $1,600 on the website.


FPS Russia Flamethrower Comparison

Check out FPS Russia's side-by-side comparison of the two flamethrowers on his YouTube channel:https://youtu.be/BYgnOc6Cd34

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