Basic Training Story
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Getting Women Pregnant Goes Wrong

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November 21, 2016
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I was a Drill Sergeant at Ft L.Wood in 1980 - 1981. It was about 6 weeks into Combat Engr OSUT I was on staff duty on a Sunday. Training schedule had the trainees with a 1/2 day off. It was late afternoon, most of the trainees were out of the barracks and it was sort of quiet.PVT W came to the office with a worried look on his face. Sensing something was amiss, I asked him to sit and talk. He told me that he just got off the phone with his girlfriend and that she was pregnant.I gave him the usual DS pep talk. "You stupid idiot, Don't be silly wrap your willy." Etc. He took it in stride and seemed to have more to say. I said "What, is there anything else?""Yes Drill Sergeant, I seem to have gotten her mother pregnant as well."I started laughing, about that time my relief came in. I made him tell him the same story. We had a good laugh.Then I called the Chaplain and sent PVT W on his way. I let the professionals handle this one.He finished OSUT and I never heard about him again. It's around this time of year (Thanksgiving) when I think about him and his "family" and I just laugh.

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