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Marine Corps Drill Instructors Video

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April 17, 2016
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Who's tougher: Army vs. Marine Corp [VIDEO]

Despite our name being Grunt Style, we are a company comprised of many different backgrounds. Yes, our founder and CEO was an Infantrymen in the Army (and so am I, proudly), but we also have folks from the Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard (yes, we do!) and, of course, the Marine Corp.


We all get along great, but of course not without a little back and forth about who's the best, toughest, ect. It should not come as a surprise to you that most of this comes in the form of Army vs. Marine Corp.So when I told my good friend and customer service rep Rich that the Army is better than the Marine Corp, he went on his normal rant about how that is simply not true, and, like most other Marines, brought up how tough their boot camp is compared the Army's. Something about screaming, PT, saving soldiers, you know, the usual.So I took to YouTube to do some investigating. The video below is what I came across. Here's a little dialog from it:

RAWR RAWR RAWR, THREE TWO ONE TWO ZERO, BECAUSE SEVEN EIGHT NINE, PICK THAT UP PUT THAT DOWN DO THE HOKEY POKEY DANCE ALL AROUND, RAWR RAWR RAWR, EY SIR EY SIR RAWWWWWRRRRRRRR. guess Rich was right, Marine Corp boot camp is harder than the Army's. But that's only because you can't understand anything they're saying! At least my Drill Sergeants spoke English!


Have any good branch vs. branch stories? Who's your vote for? Share them with us in the comments section and on our social media pages!

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