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Monday Motivation: Stay Determined

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February 12, 2018
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We're not quite sure when Sunday starts feeling like Monday, with all the coming week's burdens suddenly coming into focus in your mind, but we know we don't like it. However, here we are. We saddled up, and we forged ahead. Last week we talked a little about consistency and how despite not wanting to do things, we still push through. That takes determination!It's funny how simple things become when you make a decision to simply not lose. Anyone remember watching the famous "Flu Game" with Michael Jordan? That's the kind of determination we're talking about. The man took control of that game despite being sick and in a weakened state. Somehow, he determined, flu or no flu, whatever the cost to his body, he would win and for those of us that were able to watch it, it was a sight we'll never forget. It was truly awe-inspiring.


As you go out this week and face the challenges that are yours and unique, steel your mind towards your goals and purpose. Be determined that nothing can stop you and prepare as such (don't be determined to wing it). Remember all of the things that you've made it through so far. What you're doing now, isn't even close to what you did before, it just seems insurmountable because it's looking you in the eye. Be determined that today's troubles won't stop you, just like the trials and tribulations you've endured before couldn't stop the overwhelming force that you are.As Yoda would tell Luke, "There is no try, either do or do not." You can't try to be determined, you either are or you are not. Take a lesson from the longest-serving, little green Jedi Master and remember that you're capable of greatness, as long as you make up your mind and are determined to accept nothing less.

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