Every now and again, a state passes a law that makes one wonder what kind of public safety atrocity occurred to render such legislation on the books. Here is a list of some of the strangest laws from each of the 50 states for your viewing pleasure. Laws change, but we tagged sources for you to do more research if it impacts you.
- Alabama: It is illegal to wear a mustache in church that causes laughter.
- Alaska: Whispering in the ear of an individual while they are moose hunting is forbidden.
- Arizona: Digging up and moving a Saguaro cactus is punishable by up to 25 years in prison.
- Arkansas: The name of the state must be pronounced with the last “s” being silent.
- California: There is an ordinance prohibiting people from attempting to stop children from jumping over puddles of water.
- Colorado: In Pueblo, Colorado, it is illegal to allow a dandelion to grow within the city limits.
- Connecticut: In Bloomfield, it is illegal to eat in your car.
- Delaware: Horse racing is not allowed on Good Friday or Easter Sunday.
- DC: Santa Claus may not be used to advertise alcohol.
- Florida: It is illegal to fish while driving across a bridge.
- Georgia: It is illegal to use profane language in front of a corpse.
- Hawaii: Coins are not to be placed in one’s ears.
- Idaho: It is illegal to ride a merry-go-round on a Sunday.
- Illinois: Until 1969, the official state language was “American” rather than “English”
- Indiana: One may not catch a fish with their bare hands.
- Iowa: A man with a mustache may not legally kiss a woman in public.
- Kansas: In the land-locked state of Kansas, it is illegal to hunt for whales.
- Kentucky: All Kentucky residents are required to take at least one shower per year.
- Louisiana: In New Orleans, a woman can only drive a car if her husband is waving a flag in front of it.
- Maine: It is illegal to step out of an airplane while it is in flight.
- Maryland: Giving or receiving oral sex is against the law.
- Massachusetts: It is illegal to frighten a pigeon.
- Michigan: It is illegal for a woman to cut her hair without her husband’s permission.
- Minnesota: It is against the law to tease skunks.
- Mississippi: Drug stores may not sell poison to children.
- Missouri: Any residence with more than four women living together is considered a brothel.
- Montana: It is illegal to bring a horse into a bar.
- Nebraska: In Omaha it is illegal to sell donut holes.
- Nevada: It is illegal to swear on the Las Vegas strip.
- New Hampshire: It is illegal to carry seaweed at night.
- New Jersey: Only gas station attendants are allowed to pump gas.
- New Mexico: It is a misdemeanor to trip a horse. This becomes a felony if the horse is injured.
- New York: Flirting can be punished with a fine of up to $25.
- North Carolina: It is illegal to steal kitchen grease.
- North Dakota: It is illegal to fall asleep with your shoes on.
- Ohio: Ohio is yet another land-locked state where it is illegal to hunt whales.
- Oklahoma: There is still a McCarthy-era statute on the books asserting that there is an international Communist conspiracy to overthrow the United States government.
- Oregon: It is illegal to walk down the street with untied shoelaces.
- Pennsylvania: A bedroom may not be more than 200 feet from a bathroom.
- Rhode Island: It is illegal to throw pickle juice in a trolley.
- South Carolina: Silverware may not be bought on a Sunday.
- South Dakota: It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.
- Tennessee: Anybody who participates in or facilitates a duel cannot hold public office.
- Texas: It is illegal to eat your neighbor’s garbage.
- Utah: It is against the law to hurl a missile at a bus or bus terminal.
- Vermont: It's illegal to whistle underwater in Vermont.
- Virginia: Raccoons are the only animals allowed to be hunted on Sundays.
- Washington: It is illegal to damage another person’s beer bottle without their consent.
- West Virginia: Interrupting a church service can lead to a jail term or a fine.
- Wisconsin: A restaurant may not serve margarine unless it is specifically requested by the customer.
- Wyoming: It is illegal to ski while drunk.