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Monday Motivation: Embrace a New Day

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March 19, 2018
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So last week kicked your ass. It happens. With the craziness of our personal lives combined with the high paced environment of our professional lives, where everything can change in an instant, it's easy to see how one could get stressed. But today is a new day, and it's a new week. You have the ability to make the most of this week, or maybe just survive until the weekend so you can sleep in.We're not so foolish as to think that a radical shift in your outlook will change overnight, however, we do want you to remember that you can start each day in a positive way. It's a new day. Will work issues still be looming over your head? Certainly, but you woke up semi-refreshed, so tackle that stressful issue immediately, first thing and get it out of the way. Once you do that, you won't have it looming over your head the rest of the day or even the rest of the week. You'll be ahead of schedule.A feeling of ease and accomplishment will permeate the rest of the day, leaving you feeling relaxed and unburdened (hopefully), which will allow you to get better rest tonight and start tomorrow with even more energy. With each new day, you've got the ability to front run any potential problem areas at work or at home.

A New Day

Let today be your fresh start, it's a new day and you don't have to succumb to the problems of yesterday or last week. It's a new day and you've got the opportunity to really make something of this week, so forge ahead with confidence and fearlessness. If you fall, so what? You try again tomorrow. You keep going forward because in each new day lies an opportunity to not let yesterday defeat you.

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