This Overhead Pass Will Make You Rethink Those White Pants [VIDEO]
As Americans, most of us are not unfamiliar with an overhead pass.. They are a semi-frequent occurrence at sporting events, and for those of us who've served, you may have had the pleasure of watching these great fighter jets taking off and even unleashing destruction on our enemies.
But this is a whole new scenario.
A couple of things here. One, we don’t promote nor request anyone mowing their lawn with their planes. People already do that themselves. We’re just here on our end, browsing the web looking for some interesting videos or stories to show you. Sometimes we come across flybys and we really don’t care what people think. They’re exciting as hell. Period. This one is particularly exciting as it took place in the Ukraine. Regulations are probably a bit different there, which is why this pilot got within a few feet of both the ground and his buddies’ heads. It was fast. It was low. It was awesome.
https://youtu.be/cN2Nk_XpMtkGet more info and read the full story from World War Wings.Needless to say that was one heck of a flyby, and one that most of us can only dream of actually seeing up close and personal. Let us know what you think in the comments section and on our social media pages!