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Mastering the Rear-Naked Choke

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March 21, 2016
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Rear Naked Choke = Goodnight Crazy Guy

A passenger on a train, who was clearly high, was harassing passengers and threatening them. Fortunately for the innocent by standers, and the rest of the internet, a Good Samaritan stepped in and choked the punk out. Executing a flawless rear naked choke, he dropped this guy in mere seconds.

rear naked choke

This guy didn't stand a chance. If you want to get high and act like an asshole don't be surprised when someone puts you in your place. Nighty-night, asshole.Shortly after the incident, the Good Samaritan posted this Facebook post.

rear naked choke

Now that's class, modesty is also a virtue of a true hero. He probably should have gave him a Throat Punch to finish it off.[caption id="attachment_3873" align="alignnone" width="300"]

rear naked choke

Throat Punch Donor Longsleeve - SHOP NOW[/caption]Doing the right thing is an important value that seems to be missing in this world these days. Most people would rather just stay out of it so they don't get hurt, or film it and try to get the next viral video on YouTube (the videos do make for some good entertainment though). Not this guy though, this guy saw a situation he could stop and did it. Being a man means doing the right thing, even if you get hurt, you don't stand around and let some punk threaten people, you step in a stop it.Let us know what you think about this in the comment section or on social media.

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