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Recruit Brings Xbox to Basic Training

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January 27, 2017
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Its reception on a hot night of day zero and everyone's hopping off the buses. Rushing onto the yellow feet getting yelled at by the drill sergeants per usual at basic. We all grab our bags from under the bus and start moving and form up for the first time. As I stand at attention for the first time, bag at my side, we all glance sideways back and forth taking it all in. We're here in Oklahoma, hundreds of miles from home and this is actually happening.We stand there a good five more minutes as people offload and grab their belongings. Then sh*t hit the fan for this one private. He steps off the bus and grabs his belongings which include his bag and a cardboard box containing an xbox 1.

I am on the very end of the formation towards the bus so I get a front row seat for the shark attack that ensues. One drill sergeant sees what he has, range walks over to him and starts screaming what in the fu*k would he need that for in basic.

He then explains he brought it to play on personal time.

Then three more drill sergeants run up, knife hands sharper than a dagger, and start making him push and screaming in his face as he does so. I hear one drill sergeant say, "this isn't f*cking call of duty motherfu*ker, the only game you'll be playing is fu*k fu*k games, yes?!".The look on this privates face is one of complete heart break.They stand him up and he says he wants to go home because he cant play his xbox at basic and then more screaming and smoking ensues. It was so hard for us all to stay straight faced because if one of us cracked up we would all be getting smoked too.It was one of the best memories I have of reception.

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