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Syrian Rebels Didn't Get the Memo Not to F*ck with Russia

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November 25, 2015
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Syrian rebels didn't get the memo not to F*ck with Russia

second russian pilot

Update 25 Nov 15: The second pilot was found by Russian Forces.Speaking at a televised briefing, Vladimir Putin confirmed the pilot, who was the plane’s navigator, had been rescued.Russia’s defense minister earlier told a briefing that the man, Konstantin Murakhtin, had been found after an all-night search, during which one rescue helicopter was downed by rebels and a Russian marine killed. He is now “alive and well’ at Russian airbase in Syria, the ministry said.The plane’s other pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov, was killed by rebels after he ejected, according to Russian defense officials. Putin said Peshkov will be awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of Russia medal, one of Russia’s highest military honors.Simultaneously, Russia’s defense ministry announced it would be deploying advanced anti-aircraft missile systems to Syria, close to where the incident happened to prevent further attacks of its planes conducting strikes there.ABC News

A group of Syrian rebels apparently didn't get the memo not to fuck with Russia, even though they have already proven they will kill anyone that messes them. Following Turkey shooting down a Russian jet, members of the Turkmen Mountain Military (TMM) shot and killed one of the pilots who ejected. To make matters worse another rebel group, the Syrian Free Army (SFA), destroyed a Russian helicopter that was looking for the pilots. From CNN:

Future Russia airstrikes "will be carried out only under cover of fighter aircraft," Rudskoy said.

Also, the Russian cruiser Moskva will go to the shore zone of Syrian port of Latakia, and the military "warns that all the potentially dangerous targets will be destroyed," Rudskoy said.

New video published on social media by a Syrian rebel group allegedly shows Turkmen rebels shooting at the two ejected pilots landing on the border between Turkey and Syria.

CNN couldn't immediately confirm the video's claim.

Speaking in Turkish language, a man shouts off-camera, "don't shoot at them" and "capture them alive," referring to the two Russian pilots.

Heavy gunfire can be heard on the video. The rebels also shout, "God is great!"

See full coverage from CNN.


Video of the rebels shooting at the pilots have been posted to Youtube.




A second video may show the other pilot.https://youtu.be/XrFLwRerCE0Russia has not yet confirmed the death of the pilots.One helicopter was also destroyed and a Russian Marine killed by the rebels while conducting search and rescue operations in the area. Video was posted showing the destruction of the helicopter by of all things a TOW missile.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqgbfTq_QtwWhile the details of this incident continue to flow in, one thing is for sure. Russia will not take this lightly! They may wait until they can verify all of the reports, like they did with the Metrojet bombing, or they may just go big in a hurry on Turkey, and then mop up Syria. World War III has been a running joke since the end of World War II, and now it just might be upon us.[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]

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