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Top 5 Cool Facts About "Saving Private Ryan"

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May 10, 2016
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Top 5 Interesting Facts About 'Saving Private Ryan' [VIDEO]

If you have any ties to the military or are just an awesome patriot American, chances are you've seen Saving Private Ryan on more than one occasion. For many it is a reminder of the sacrifices that were made by our forefathers during WWII. Others, the movie that first sparked interest in serving this great country of ours.

Saving Private Ryan

For those who may be unfamiliar, Saving Private Ryan is the story of 8 men on a mission to save the life of one soldier. Private Ryan was the only living brother out of four, the mission being to bring him home, saving his mother from losing all of her children.Here are Grunt Style's top 5 Interesting facts from the film:

The movie is based on the Niland brothers, four siblings who served during World War II. Three of the brothers, Robert, Preston, and Edward, were all thought to be KIA, causing the remaining brother, Fritz (whom the movie is based on) to be shipped home so the family wouldn't lose all of their sons. Edward was later found alive after escaping a Japanese prison camp in Burma.
Saving Private Ryan
2. THE ACTORS ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH BOOT CAMP:To get an idea of what soldiers during WWII actually went though, the main actors participated in a 10-day boot camp led by the film's military advisor, retired former USMC Captain Dale Dye. He led them through an intense field combat situation, taking them on marches, living in tents and eating MREs. OMAHA WAS ACTUALLY IN IRELAND, RAMELLE WAS OUTSIDE OF LONDON:Due to strict filming restrictions at the real Omaha beach, Spielberg sought out an almost exact replica, and found it in Ireland at Ballinesker Beach, Curracloe Strand in Wexford. Over 2500 Irish Army Reservist were recruited to portray the allied forces storming the beach. In a similar fashion, the bombed out French city of Ramelle was constructed on the now closed WWII air base Hatfield Aerodrome, 30 miles outside of London. This was done because the logistics of shooting a completely destroyed French city would have been impossible. FUBAR IS NSFWSome may know this, some may not. The phrase "FUBAR" is actually military slang for "F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition".5. FOR MANY VETERANS, THE MOVIE WAS TOO PAINFUL TO WATCH.The film’s battle scenes were so realistic to veterans in the audience that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs set up a nationwide toll-free hotline for veterans and their family members to call if they felt unsettled by the war depicted onscreen.
Saving Private Ryan

These are Grunt Style's top 5 interesting facts, taken from a much longer list by Did we miss anything? Let us know what you think in the comments section and on our social media pages!

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