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Top 5 Manly Movies

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January 8, 2018
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We'll admit we're gonna be a bit biased for our top 5 manly movies, based on the answers given by the men and women in the office. We polled everyone, Bill, Ted, even SUSAN to find out which movies inspired the men to fulfill their potential and which manly movies made ladies hearts throb. Keep in mind, your list may be different than ours, but that's ok, its a free country, you can be wrong.1. Last of the Mohicans

Manly movies

If you haven't seen the 1992 classic, you're missing out. Daniel Day-Lewis puts on an awesome performance as Hawkeye, showing that he can not only be a deadly warrior but also a man of calm cool temperament despite the circumstances he finds himself in. Watch this movie, be inspired.2. BraveheartDo we really owe you an explanation on this one? William Wallace mooning the enemy and fighting for freedom, against insurmountable odds. It's true you know, every man dies, not every man truly lives.

Manly movies

3. Rocky IVOur favorite Rocky of all time, because we get to see Rocky beat up the communists. Just kidding, after watching his friend get killed in the ring by what we'd think is a genetic superhuman, Rocky doesn't wallow in self-pity and misery, he fights. When the going gets tough, Rocky shows men how to overcome, sheer determination and willpower.

Manly Movies

4. Ip ManThe man who taught Bruce Lee was brought back to life in this movie. Despite his ability to wholesale beat everyone he came up against, he always sought a peaceful and honorable resolution first. The only thing that surpassed his skill as a fighter was his wisdom.

Manly Movies

5. Heartbreak RidgeClint Eastwood takes a group of primadonna Marines who've had no real leadership and transformed this outfit into one of the best ever seen. If you want a movie where you see how potential can be tapped and how men can rise to situations, this is a great pick and rounds out our list of top 5 manly movies.

Manly movies

Honorable Mentions: Uncommon Valor, Saving Private Ryan, A Bridge Too Far, Casablanca

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