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Victory in Europe

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May 9, 2018
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This week saw the anniversary of the allied victory in Europe over the forces of fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. While the day seems to be long forgotten by many, May 8th, 1945 is still an extremely important day. Victory in Europe over an evil we hope we never see the likes of again.It is a day which we reflect on the great horrors of war and the tremendous price paid to win against insurmountable odds. Before the United States entered the war, our British allies stood alone against the onslaught of the German Luftwaffe, for the people of London, it must have seemed as if a German invasion was inevitable and the expansion of Fortress Europa, as it was called by Hitler, would be complete. There would be nothing left standing between Nazi-occupied Europe and the United States, except for a great vast ocean patrolled by Wolf Packs of German U-boats.Britain stood strong. As the fury of Nazi Germany rained bombs down upon their cities, killing civilians and armed forces alike, they didn't give in. They never quit. Then with the entry of the United States into the war, the two powers began coordinating the savagely long war that would see the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men on our side. With the fighting taking place all the way from North Africa up to Norway and Finland this war was anything but humane or quick.

Victory in Europe

After gaining a foothold on the beaches of Normandy, the United States and the western allies pushed towards the Rhine and Berlin with vigor. As the United States, Britain and Russia surrounded the capital of Berlin and other key cities, Admiral Karl Donitz surrendered on all fronts to the Allied forces. For the first time in almost a decade, Europe would see peace.Let us never forget the valiant sacrifice and the load placed upon the shoulders of our greatest generation, securing victory in Europe.

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