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Next Mission: S1 E3

Mental Health
Mental Health
November 23, 2017
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In this episode of the next mission, you see the Grunt Style team get FULLY committed to helping with the Hurricane Harvey effort. Jeremy Janssens, Connor James, Alejandro Medina and Alexander Noack all journey down to Texas to lend a hand to Dan Alarik and those already in Houston.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBS0BDmNojM&t=64sIn two days, Grunt Style had printed the 9000 t-shirts, 9000 hoodies and gathered other miscellaneous supplies. With the full weight of Grunt Style behind the effort, the intrepid quartet ventured out from Chicago with two rental trucks loaded down, full of t-shirts, hoodies, and other miscellaneous goods. Stopping along the way to grab gasoline and diesel fuel (despite Houston having plenty of gasoline and diesel), the four Grunt Style employees drove straight through the night, just over one thousand miles, to help people they didn't know. Upon arrival in Houston, they got right to work with CEO Dan Alarik and Grunt Style Ambassador and YouTube Personality Adam Calhoun.

With supplies pouring in from volunteers all over the state, utilizing the Grunt Style social media, the Famous Brands warehouse cycled through being full and empty 12 times and the rescuers had pulled over 400 people from perilous situations.

Shortly after the four motivators from Illinois got to Houston, the Grunt Style crew planned on pushing to Rockport with a semi-truck full of supplies as well as several vehicles full of supplies. One small problem: the semi-truck, through miscommunication (nobody's fault, shit happens), was only scheduled to come to Houston. Where there is adversity, watch Grunt Style adapt and overcome. Utilizing the strength of his social media Dan Alarik went on Facebook live and requested trucks that would be willing to make the trip to Rockport with trucks loaded down. The call went out, Texas responded as Texas always will. The convoy, all loaded down, full of pickup trucks and SUVs, trekked down to Rockport, Texas.Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for the next episode of "The Next Mission."

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