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February 14, 2019
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A Marine Raider is set to receive a Silver Star for his action of taking out an ISIS car bomb with a Javelin anti-tank missile. As much as it pains this poor little 0351 heart of mine to see someone get to blow shit to kingdom come with a Javelin, whilst I did not, I am super happy that he did. Why? Because it was a car bomb you f***ing doof! Of course, I'm glad he shot it. My petty jealousy isn't that petty, I just cry into my beer as I give him cheers.During the fight for Mosul, this Marine Raider braved enemy fire several times to get his shot off. Let me be clear to you guys, as someone familiar with the Javelin, the seeker takes a minute to cool down due to its thermal nature (via the BCU, source), it can't be hot. Guess what Iraq is most of the time. F***in ball drippin' sweaty ass crackistan hot as f***. So you've got this seeker head in the warhead that needs to "cool down" once it's locked on target, in a hot as f*** country, and people are shooting at you...And you hold your ground. Ball out big baller, ball the f*** out.The Javelin was meant to stop Russian tanks during conventional warfare, so when you've got what we're assuming is a black Opel driven by a military age male (nearly every gd bolo during my time in Iraq), that Javelin is the one stop shop solution to your problem of having a car bomb bearing down on you. Not only will the explosives probably sympathetically detonate, but the initial warhead blast would kill that dude driving so hard, you'd be hard pressed to see if there was any pink mist left over.Mad kudos to our fellow devil dog for ballin' out hardcore in the battle for Mosul. If you keep sendin' em, we'll keep killin' 'em.

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