ISIS Veteran Entrepreneur focuses previous skills to improve the apparel industry
Since April 2015, Raqqa Up Apparel has been selling t-shirts, shemaghs, burqas, and other custom accessories faster than it can print them, according to founder Musawwir Mus’ad, a 32-year old ISIS veteran of the Iraq and the Syrian Civil War.“I saw how the infidels [Americans] were so quick to show support for their soldiers through t-shirt and sticker purchases, rather than through legislating things like medical care and housing, and realized that there was a similar gap here in the Islamic State,” Mus’ad told reporters. “And it was just like an oil lamp flickered on in my head.”[caption id="attachment_334" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Their apparel matches so well. Image courtesy of News Blaze[/caption]We here at Grunt Style enjoy the industry competition, however we feel their customer base is rapidly shrinking courtesy of the United States Air Force. You can read the rest of the article and see the awesome slogans here at Duffel Blog[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]