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Marine Raiders to Lead Joint Spec Ops Against ISIS

Veteran News
Veteran News
August 27, 2015
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Marine Raiders to Lead Joint Spec Ops Fight Against ISIS

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Marine Raiders

(Photo: Capt. Barry Morris/Marine Corps)[/caption]Are we starting to actually get serious about going after ISIS? We have had special operators on the ground for some time beginning to take the fight to ISIS and now there is news that the next rotation to head in to the fight is going to be lead by the Marine Raiders. From the Marine Corps Times:he Marine Corps' decade-old special operations command will lead the next rotation of operators into Iraq, Marine Corps Times has learned.Marine Raiders will head the staff element for the next iteration of Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Iraq, said Capt. Barry Morris, a spokesman for Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command. The unit is set to deploy early next year and will be led by a MARSOC colonel, he said.


While a previous rotation of the task force was led by a joint Navy SEAL-MARSOC team, Morris said the Marines' exclusive leadership of the task force represents a milestone for the command."This deployment is the first time MARSOC has formed and deployed a full CJSOTF staff," he said in a statement provided to Marine Corps Times. "In that regard it does represent the next step in the command’s operational maturation."Read the rest at the Marine Corps Times.[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]

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