Florida Will Allow Nudity at Beaches With Permit
In a surprising decision, Florida has made it legal to go nude on public beaches. This is a bold move by the sunshine state, but it does come with some rules. Florida will allow nudity at public beaches with permits that can be obtained at local town halls. There will be standards that must be met, and those looking to fit said standards may have their work cut out for them. More information is provided by Empire News:The state of Florida has made a bold change to its laws concerning nudity at public beaches, and this one might ruffle some feathers. Beginning August 1st, full nudity will be legal at all public beaches – as long as you obtain a Florida State Nudity License (FSNL).The rest of the story can be viewed at Empire News.Anyone looking to get their bodies within the regulations put forward can find help and motivation from In The Arena's own John Burk. Getting fit is not easy, and requires a motivation that some of us just don't have. Let John help you through those tough workouts through his motivational music and as you work towards the new you, might as well look good doing it.[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]