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Missing Bigfoot Family in Beaver Township

Veteran News
Veteran News
April 27, 2017
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The real question is, did they ever exist at all?Beaver Township, Ohio police forces are currently investigating the disappearance of a bigfoot family. That is, statues of a bigfoot family. (Sorry conspiracy theorists.)

Spoiler, that's a guy in a suit.

According to WFMJ news, the statues were made out of painted concrete, and belonged to Arlene Fitzer, who had placed them in front of her business: Farmer Dave's Gift Shop.

Fitzer isn't really sure why someone would bother stealing the statues, but she's really more curious as to HOW they were stolen; she estimates that the statues weighed as much as 225 pounds a piece, and were mounted on pedestals. They would be difficult to carry, and still more difficult to hide from investigators.

Thankfully, she has surveillance footage outside of her business that she is currently reviewing. We got a sneak peek of the footage!

Man, security cameras have not improved in the last 10 years...

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