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Essential Gear: The Tactical Hatchet

Mammoth Sniper Challenge
Mammoth Sniper Challenge
October 9, 2018
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Why? Because Tactical hatchets are good for a variety of purposes. Is there a pesky young sapling in your yard that you need removed? Of course, there is, the tactical hatchet can cure that woe with one fell swoop. Is there a person telling you how dangerous guns are, protesting about your second amendment rights? Show him that hatchets can be dangerous too! Especially ones that look tactical like what they use in the military!Tactical hatchets provide hours of fun and entertainment for people of all ages! Are your children being recruited by ISIS while walking to school? If so, arm them with a tactical hatchet and teach them about Ivan the Terrible. Your child will enjoy fun, safe, healthy walks to school while doing the world a favor by ridding it of ISIS, or Al-Qaeda or whatever extremist terrorist group you want to name. Tactical hatchet doesn't care. Why? Because terrorists suck ass.For the commuter, if you're having trouble changing lanes even though your blinker has been on for 5 minutes, wave this friendly tool out the window to signal that "Hey buddy, I really need to get over as my exit is coming up soon." It's also great for grooming. If you need to give the old mountain man beard a nice little trim up to impress your mountain lady, this sharp as a samurai sword hatchet will cleave off those wandering hairs with ease leaving you looking more refined and rogueish than Sam Elliot himself.There aren't many reasons you don't need a tactical hatchet, in fact, we asked around the office and nobody except Steven from legal had anything negative to say about owning a tactical hatchet. Something about safety and responsibility, we didn't really pay attention.If you want your very own tactical hatchet, be sure to sign up for Club Grunt Style as this bad boy will be raffled away to a random Club member at the end of this month with more than enough time to kill and carve that turkey for Thanksgiving!

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