Quiet Private
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When Quiet Privates Wreck Havoc

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4 min. read
July 1, 2016
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We had these two privates in basic training who we shall call PVT New York and PVT Georgia. We also had a quiet private, more on him in a bitWell, these two privates where about themselves and not at all team players. They only sounded off in formation when they wanted to and constantly got the sh*t smoked out of us.

Tragedy strikes the Quiet Private...


One day we had a private who was going through some serious issues with his family in Haiti. We shall call him PVT Haiti. Well PVT Haiti's mother was murdered by his father. Two days later his father was murdered by his uncle (his mother's brother). That same day his uncle was killed by Haiti police and his uncle's wife committed suicide. This all happened within a 5 day period.The Drill Sergeants were tracking this and the chain of command offered to send him home to deal with his family situation. PVT Haiti refused to go because this was the only way he could help his family get out of Haiti. PVT Haiti was a very quiet and humble soldier that bothered no one. He kept to himself and read his bible every day and his faith in God was strong. The Drill Sergeants warned us not to mess with PVT Haiti at all, so we did what was told except for PVT New York and PVT Georgia.One day after a block of instruction on combatives, all the privates in 4th platoon (Reapers) decided to do their combatives match inside the bay right before lights out . So we had different matches and we were able to settle beefs between us. Well PVT Haiti was sitting minding his own business when PVT Georgia decided to call PVT Haiti out. We all warned PVT Georgia not to mess with PVT Haiti. No one had beef with PVT Haiti, not to mention the Drill Sergeants told us not to mess with him at all. PVT Georgia did not listen. PVT Georgia said he could take down anyone in the bay.

He Gonna Learn Today...

I called his bluff and so did many other but he did not accept. He said he wanted to take down PVT Haiti because PVT Haiti won all his matches during the combatives course. PVT Haiti still refused and told him that he could have his turn at him the next day. PVT Georgia did not want to take no for an answer.So PVT Georgia snatched PVT Haiti’s bible out his hand and threw it accross the bay. At that point everyone in the bay that was a Christian lost it and started at PVT Georgia. We all stopped when we saw PVT Haiti climb off of his rack. As soon as PVT Haiti foot touched the floor PVT Georgia stepped to PVT Haiti face to face and said the infamous words that got his ass kicked from one side of the bay to the other side of the bay…. “do something”PVT Georgia didn't even get a swing in on PVT Haiti that night.The next morning the Drill Sergeant came in for PT and told all the soldiers who were going to sick call to fall out. Drill Sergeant saw PVT Georgia's face and almost died laughing. He asked PVT Georgia what happened and he told the Drill Sergeant he fell off the bunk.

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Should have listened to the Drill Sergeants...

The Drill Sergeant asked, “how many bunks did you fall off of……. a couple of hundred….. no one leaves until someone tells me what happened”. At the time PVT Haiti told the Drill Sergeant what happened. The Drill Sergeant then told PVT Georgia, “that's what the f*ck you get you dumb f*ck! There was a reason I told dumb privates not to mess with PVT Haiti”.The Drill Sergeant asked PVT Haiti if he could share his story and PVT Haiti gave his permission. At that point the Drill Sergeant told us about PVT Haiti family. PVT Haiti told us after that he hoped that it would inspire us to push through basic if we thought about giving up.Never mess with the quiet private-End-

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