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Grunt Style Funny Shorts: The Infantry Guy

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2 min. read
December 7, 2017
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We've got a lot of computers at Grunt Style since we're an e-commerce company. To maintain all of these computers requires a great deal of attention from our IT department. In fact, we've got the best of both worlds, we've got an infantry IT guy. Combine the intelligence of an IT guy with the can-do attitude of an infantryman, it's a winning combination.

Infantry IT guy

The computer has frozen again and our diligent worker calls the IT department just like he's supposed to. He's not really certain he likes the new IT guy yet though. Being an infantry IT guy has its downsides. A lot of people thing infantrymen aren't smart and there are quite a few stereotypes that are both hurtful and wrong. In short order, our faithful grunt is up in the office ready to fix the computer. You can already tell he's a professional because he's so orderly with how he organizes and unpacks his gear. While a bit unorthodox, we trust that he knows what he's doing. He did have to interview after all, so why not trust him.

infantry IT guy

And he's cutting into the monitor. Ok, well um, maybe there is a hardware problem he's trying to locate. Well now, he's sprinkling dip into the monitor. Yeah, its pretty apparent this guy has no idea what he's doing. What is he doing with those bandages? Oh good, yup, now he's pouring a Monster energy drink into the computer. So this was fixable, we think, or maybe he knew it wasn't fixable and he just wanted to have some fun. He's either a genius or has no business being in IT.

infantry IT guy

Our infantry IT guy destroyed the computer. Utilizing a tomahawk, knives, Copenhagen dip and a Monster energy drink our infantry IT guy destroyed the possibility of the computer ever functioning as a computer again.

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