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Happening: Short-Timer Radio

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2 min. read
November 10, 2017
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Do you like to have fun? Do you know what happens when you give four Marines the freedom of having a radio show? Do you know if we have enough money to get John out of jail? If you don't know about Short Timer Radio, then we have one last question; What are you even doing with your life?Grunt Style prides itself on being innovators in the business field. We don't do things like everyone else and for that reason, we are successful like no one else is. We love our supporters and we love engaging with them because after all, we're all in this together. We're proud to bring you the resurgence of the most innovative and original live feed radio show in the history of the entire internets.If you're in the know then you already know, the shenanigans that take place on Short Timer Radio are nothing short of controlled chaos. If you don't know, but you'd like to find out, get ready to have your mind taken out to a nice seafood dinner, and then get called back. Short Timer Radio is coming back with a vengeance starting January 2018. With the faces you've come to know and love (and fantasize about, cough Tim Jensen cough) returning for the bourbon-infused tom-foolery, you'll definitely want to subscribe and tune in for all of the unscripted hilarity.

Be sure to join Daniel "I know guys at SiriusXM too, dipshit" Eric, Justin "I run this" Orick, Tim "Nobody has a better beard than me" Jensen and John "That guy" Fannin as this fireteam of miscreants gets the party started like only Short Timer's can. With a lineup of guest stars and interesting characters, the possibilities are endless, you won't want to be the only one who doesn't know what happened last night on STR, everyone will definitely make fun of you.

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