This week on VBTBTS (try saying that ten times fast), Grunt Style 1st Sgt. Tim Jensen welcomed Matt Watters to tell us all about Matt Watters. This kick-ass Ranger, despite a certain challenge, hasn't slowed down one bit. Especially now that one of his limbs is bulletproof.

Matt and all his best friends were sitting at BIAP with nothing to do. No terrorist scumbags wanted to play "catch" with the lethal group of Rangers. It was extremely disappointing and those Rangers were so bored with no bad guys to kill. Soon though, they heard news about a group of bad guys at a training camp in the desert. Now our Rangers wouldn't be bored anymore as they got on their helicopters to go to their play date. They were finally going to get to kill some insurgent douchebags.

While on approach to the firefight already underway (awe, they started playing without Matt Watters and his friends) several RPG's whipped past their helicopters. That's no fun, the Rangers thought, they wanted to play offense. They got out of their bird and ran straight into the fray. Matt Watters saw a fighting position in a sheer rock wall, then he saw the glint of an optic. Matt knew what was coming, and he took the blast which sent him flying in two different directions. Matt, still alive, despite missing his left leg, was not impressed with the insurgents and continued to direct his marauding force of skull-crushers toward enemy positions. The insurgents were super pissed at Matt for being so belligerent that they tried to kill him and his medic with a grenade, but they missed. Those insurgents didn't train enough apparently.

Now Matt Watters is a police officer and a member of the bomb squad. The irony is not lost on Matt Watters, the guy who wasn't impressed by the insurgents blowing off his leg. RLTW.