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Violent But True Bed Time Stories: Episode 15

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2 min. read
November 24, 2017
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Hitting the rewind button on history a little bit further, this week we take you back to General Horatio Gates' victories at Saratoga. General Gates was a stubborn man when it came to the British running his life. The British were led by General John Burgoyne, he's not important though.

Horatio Gates

It was a beautiful fall day in Saratoga on October 17th, 1777, the perfect day to ruin the day of General John Burgoyne's British forces. General Horatio Gates was no fan of the British and he'd had enough of their shit already. When the British were just outside of Saratoga, General Gates had his sharpshooters start picking off troops. They were putting warheads on foreheads and the British lost two soldiers for every one American. General Horatio Gates was still not satisfied and wanted to really teach those wankers from across the pond a lesson.

Horatio Gates

General Gates again engaged the British troops this time at Bemis Heights. The Americans devastated the pompous British redcoats once again. Benedict Arnold was shot in the leg during this battle, but nobody really cares because that guy was a tool. F*** him. General Burgoyne went back to England a disgrace. He had been embarrassed by the superior skills of General Horatio Gates and was never again given command of a unit. Take that, you limey wankers. American forces had won the day and showed the British they meant business.

Horatio Gates

These two battles were the turning point in the Revolutionary War. The Americans showed Britain not only, that they could, in theory, be defeated, but in practicality as well. John Burgoyne was not the only British commander to be embarrassed by the rough and tumble Americans. It was such a pivotal moment that the Continental Congress declared an official day of Thanksgiving to commemorate the victories at Saratoga.

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