For the third consecutive year, Habitat for Humanity has received a sizable donation from Fort Hood. The base gave the non-profit over 400 wooden beds and wall lockers. Additionally, they also received "medical grade mattress" that qualify for their cleanliness policy. The base is replacing the furniture with items made from metal. However, the donatables were still in good condition.Ken Cates is the Fort Hood Area Habitat for Humanity chief executive officer. Cates stated, “When construction or contractors have extra materials, instead of bringing them to the dump, they donate to us or our trucks go out and pick it up.”The move took volunteers over a week to complete. Cates also saying, “We set it aside if it’s still quality grade. We set it aside for our future builds. If it’s not inspectable quality grade, then we sell it in the ReStore.”Bob Reister is the chief of mobilization for Fort Hood's Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security. Reister stated that this was an opportunity they wanted to take advantage of. Futhermore, he noted there were fewer soldiers in the barracks than usual. This being due to soldiers being out during their training cycle.Stay tuned to American Grit for more news, stories and updates.
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