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Bring Back Line Training

Active Military
Active Military
November 21, 2019
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As always with a new Commandant, the Marine Corps has the opportunity to shift focus, to adapt their fighting to the next conflict or even the conflict after that one. We have a suggestion. Bring back LINE(Linear Involuntary Neurological override Engagement) training. Why? The world is an ever-changing and evolving chaotic place and nothing, and we do mean nothing else at all ever, grounds you like stomping the skull of your enemy.The current iteration of unarmed combat that the Marine Corps teaches, MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program), doesn't really have the same "killer" vibe that you get from LINE training despite some similar techniques. Every every wimpy little strike you go back to your basic warrior stance. Say that shit out loud and you'll probably do the same eye-roll that thousands of Marines have done anytime they do MCMAP training.However...LINE training always ends with a boot to the skull. MCMAP says, "We're here to keep the peace," LINE training says "We're here to defile your civilization so that you never fuck with us again."Conan the Barbarian was once asked what was best in life, and he answered, "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women!"See, the first thing he mentions is crushing your enemies, which in our interpretation means that there is definitely a skull stomp involved. We also think he means that their skulls are driven into the ground before you and that the site is so hideous, that there are lamentations of the women who loved said enemy. Anyways, enough on Conan, getting back to the guts of the story.MCMAP is well...pointless seems like too soft of a word, but we'll go with that. Pointless, really, but LINE Training, man that shit was dope, that automatic response to just break some fuckheads arm, circa Nicholas Cage in "Con Air". We know he was an Army Ranger and all, but that's basically what LINE training got you. That shit is the Rice Krispies of the martial arts world, cause it'll make you snap, crackle and pop a mothafucka like the milk drinker he is.What the world needs now is not love, sweet, love. It's gratuitous violence towards tyrants, and that is something that MCMAP just won't offer.

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