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Canada Bans All Assault-Style Firearms

Veteran News
Veteran News
May 4, 2020
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Recently, the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau announced the new ban on what they consider "assault-style" firearms. Before our Canadian readers panic, the new laws will not fully go into effect for two years.The Prime Minister's government website states the following, "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today announced the ban of over 1,500 models and variants of assault-style firearms. These models represent nine categories of firearms and two types identified by characteristic."

Furthermore, the website states some "quick facts"

  • In Canada, there are currently over 100,000 restricted firearms among the models that are now prohibited. This number does not include other newly-prohibited models that were not subject to registration requirements.
  • An individual should not deliver a firearm to a police station without first making arrangements with a police officer for a safe and scheduled delivery or pick up. Individuals should not surrender their firearm while physical distancing requirements are in effect during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Firearms owners must keep their firearms securely stored in accordance with the storage requirements until more information on the buy-back program is available.
  • A Criminal Code amnesty is in place until April 30, 2022, to protect lawful owners from criminal liability and to enable them to comply with the law. Under the amnesty, the newly prohibited firearms can only be transferred or transported within Canada for specific purposes.
  • Unless you are an Indigenous person exercising treaty rights to hunt or a sustenance hunter. You can only transfer or transport in accordance with the amnesty, such as to:
  • have them deactivated by an approved business
  • return them to a lawful owner’s residence
  • export them lawfully
  • surrender them to police without compensation

Could something like this happen in America? (Check out the article we wrote on H.R. 5717, here!) How do you think this will play out in Canada? Will the Prime Minister's successor reverse these new laws? Sound off in the comments below. Also, share this article with your friends too!

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