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Dope-Ass Lasers n' Shit

Active Military
Active Military
May 3, 2019
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Yo, good job Air Force. While the Marine Corps and the Army are over here playing "Who can do the dumbest shit?", the Air Force just tested out some dope ass lasers 'n' shit that are destined to go on American fighter aircraft. Here's the great part, the lasers worked really really well shooting down a bunch of air-launched missiles.Why is this such a big deal?Well in case you have been too busy chewing on paint chips, we'll tell you. China and Russia have been talking some mad crazy shit lately and trying to upgrade their military arsenals to rival that of the United States. Those two ass-hats have also been challenging us in places like eastern Europe, Syria, Africa, Venezuela, and the South China Sea, to name a few. They've been touting these super awesome advanced hyper-sonic badass missiles as the key to telling the United States to copulate with ourselves.Except now...with point laser defense systems we won't have to fire an actual projectile and "hope" to hit the incoming missile. We can just lock on and burn these sumbitches up before they touch theory. The laser systems aren't quite fine-tuned yet, but if anything, it's a step in the right direction to ensure that China and Russia take a moment to realize those cool new hypersonic missile toys of theirs may not be as beneficial to them as they'd hoped. Suck it Commies!Certainly, there is a concern that China already has a similar system as they've caused some temporary eye damage to U.S. pilots in and around Africa, so...there is that, but we hope and think that they're a few years off in developing something of this nature, since they seem to be betting on the Russian made S-400 system if we successfully deploy these dope ass lasers 'n' shit, the S-400 will be obsolete overnight.Our pilots will literally be like:"Oh no you got a target lock, let me just burn your missile up before it f***ing touches me. Bye Felicia!"And then they'll bomb the shit out of the radar and missile site that just shot at them. Eh oh el mofo.

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