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Marine Veteran Stormed North Korean Embassy

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April 25, 2019
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A Marine veteran of Korean ancestry stormed the North Korean embassy in Spain with a group of other "activists"...with a machete and fake guns (booo)...And we're not even that mad...except for the fake gun part. If you're clued in at all to the happenings on this spinning ball of doom hurtling through space, you know North Korea is to human rights as barbed wire is to toilet paper.All one really needs to do is skim through the "Aquariums of Pyongyang" once and you've got a pretty solid idea of what that happenings in the Hermit Kingdom are like. Hell if you watch the news for more than 30 seconds, chances are you'll hear about North Korea doing some despicable shit. So when we found out that a Marine veteran, the executive director of Liberty in North Korea (LiNK), stormed the North Korean embassy in Spain with a whole bunch of homies, wielding a machete...we again, weren't even that mad.They stole a shitload of classified data and whatnot from the embassy. Christopher P. Ahn who also goes by the name Adrian Hong Chang, along with several others went all Mission Impossible, although a little bit more brash one might say, and raided the embassy. They took computers, USB drives full of what we're guessing is North Korean secrets and then fled in stolen vehicles. It was almost the perfect plan, except...Ahn was identified using his LinkedIn profile picture and subsequently arrested by US Marshals. Bro, why didn't you cover your face? A ski mask is like...$10 max.Damnit man. Look. We hate North Korea, not the people, the government, they're a regular group of unwashed assholes and they've devoted a shitload of time, money and resources to hacking the United States defense industry just like their neighbors to the north and west, China. So when someone does some shit like this to them, illegal as it may be, we can't help but sit back and chuckle our Marine Corps balls off. Be cool to him LAPD, because he may go down in the annals of Marine Corps history for some ballsy ass shit.

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