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Safer Alternatives to Autonomous Killer Drones

Active Military
Active Military
December 27, 2018
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Technology is moving at an unprecedented pace and as true as that is, as soon as I wrote it, it became obsolete and true again. The rate at which our tech is improving is quite literally insane and it gets faster every single minute. Can't say we're super disappointed, we love being able to stop watching Rick and Morty in our living room, pick it up on our phone as we walk upstairs to our bedroom, then cast it to the bedroom TV. I know that's really stupid and quite possibly one of the things wrong with our lazy society today, but hey, I enjoy my creature comforts so judge me.However, something I do not want is autonomous kill drones. Just seems like a really bad idea...I was born in the '80s, I've seen all the Terminator movies, this is not going to end well. Autonomous killbots will soon be a reality and we've compiled a list of things we'd rather have than autonomous kill drones.A hit album from Justin Beiber.A floor made of legos.Science to clone dinosaurs.To get friend zoned by that super hot chick we see every morning at Starbucks.Winter year round.Non-lethal gunshot wound.More seasons of Rick and Morty. (Ok, well duh, everyone wants that, that's not even bad, that's just, really just great you know?)A resurgence of the import car fad that the Fast and Furious franchise started.MREs for the rest of our life.A toddler crying and kicking our seat on all air travel for the rest of our life.Cereal, but we're forever out of milk and we keep forgetting the out of milk part.More standup specials from Amy Schumer...actually we'll take the killer drones...Look, we could go into this stupid long rant about how horrible of an idea this is and how the only good thing to come out of it will most certainly be that all of humanity is united in a fight against the machines, but we're not going to do that. You just get the list.

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