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Social Distancing: Tips Like a Pro

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March 19, 2020
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As the world reels over coronavirus, health officials have asked people to do something very important, practice social distancing. What does that mean exactly? We have compiled a handy dandy guide that is even grunt proof.This is just a fancy term for avoiding people like you're an angsty teenager all over again. The point is to prevent mass spread of the illness, so we don't overburden hospitals and supplies. This will allow more people and goods to flow through the system, prioritizing the needs of the most at risk.To begin with, don't go out in public. Stay home, play video games or finish that project you've been putting off. This is a great time to read books and listen to podcasts like these ones we recommended. We also wrote some stay at home tips, here.If you do need to go out in public, then practice some safe habits like staying at least 6 feet away from people. This is to avoid airborne droplets that carry the funk. Additionally, try going out during low traffic times, and avoid touching public surfaces.If you like to work out, try exercising in a park or at home versus going to a crowded gym. The "pump" may not be the same, but you won't be making any boss progress if you get sick. The only thing that should be sick is your gains, not you.At the office, try separating work spaces and staggering schedules or use of common spaces. Cleaning surfaces before and after use is important too.You can buy goods online, and purchase gift cards for future use to support your favorite businesses during these hard times. I'm sure small business would appreciate it the most.Even if you feel fine, you may be infected and could spread to others. There is no need to panic, especially if you feel fine, but it is important to be considerate of others. Comment any helpful social distancing ideas or tricks you have come up with below!

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