Maxing the Murph
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Maxing the Murph: Ultimate Challenge

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June 1, 2023
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“The Murph” is one of the best ways to celebrate those who we miss after their time has come and gone. Being a tribute to Navy SEAL Lieutenant Michael Murphy, it is both a workout and a torch to carry on the mission that he believed in and fought for. 

A significant aspect of military culture is the competitive nature that brothers and sisters in arms display when put up against one another. Friendly competition is something that is heavily celebrated within the military community, the Murph is no exception. If you're looking to crush your buddies’ scores this year, here are some tips and tricks to cut time. 

The best way to get better at something is to do it constantly. The same concept of training how you fight, and fighting how you train. If you are always doing pull ups, pushups, and squats, adding an extra twenty pounds won’t be as hard if you go from doing none at all.

Warm ups are an important aspect of any workout. You do not want to go overboard, but some dynamic warm up movements can help prevent injury, cramps and get your blood flowing. 

Repetition is useful for lowering your run time as well. Running frequently will help get your stamina up, a regular two mile run with a long distance workout incorporated will further your ability to get a lot of cardio done in a short amount of time. 

A sprint track workout will shave down the time as well. By getting used to being as fast as you can allow yourself to be, your body will get accustomed to being so. 

Practice makes perfect may be a phrase you’re tired of hearing but a mock Murph can and will allow you to give your effort and weaker areas. Lowering your overall time may be a matter of focusing on the portions that take you the longest. 

Doing the work out a few times before deciding to do it for time will help prepare you for when you need to push yourself and ease up in order to give your best effort. 

The Murph:

  • Run one mile
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups 
  • 300 bodyweight squats
  • Run another mile while wearing a 20lb vest

Remember to find what works best for you! Everyone has helpful advice but no one can do any of the pushups for you. Best of luck, have fun, and remember the reason behind the effort.

Rest in peace LT Michael Patrick Murphy (May 7, 1976 – June 28, 2005)

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