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Unpopular Opinion: DoD Shouldn't Apologize

Active Military
Active Military
September 23, 2019
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"For what? These amateur ass writers should know to put the full article in the title so we don't have to fucking read!" - Nearly everyone who will read this

Ok, ok you caught us, but to be fair, it'd be a really long title. Imagine this as a title. "DoD Apologizes to Millenial Raiders of Area 51 for Threatening (jokingly) to Bomb Them". Fuck that'd be a long title. Also...we don't think the DoD should apologize. Why not?Several reasons. The first of which being gun control. If the DoD even jokes about killing you, the civilian, it's a great idea that you have the same kind of weaponry they do, so you can say "Not today you soft croissant ass bitch!" See, if they apologized then it'd be them saying that the government won't really kill it's people, when the truth is, as we all know from Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge, you know...not fuckin' true.Reason numero deux, these are grown-ass adults who are fully capable of making decisions for know...not great decisions, but decisions nonetheless. Now, we, more than anyone don't want to see a stealth bomber droppin' loads on our own countrymen, but if they'd actually tried to raid Area's not really unexpected that they'd find some sort of force (if not lethal) levied on them. Is it shitty? Yeah. Could it have been prevented? Yeah, by not trying to raid a military base, fuckin muppets.Thirdly, everyone knew it was a joke and if you didn't then you're "that guy". You all know "that guy". He's the guy that will fight you over a parking spot at McDonald's. He's the guy that will literally shiv you on Black Friday. He's the guy that is banned from every single Applebee's within a 50-mile radius.So no, the Department of Defense shouldn't apologize, because WHY in the FUCK would they use a stealth bomber against unarmed to lightly armed group of raiders when they could more cost-effectively use a few Apache helicopters or some shit. Flying a stealth bomber is fucking expensive. In fact, it's $135,000 per flight hour to operate a B-2 as opposed to an Apache helicopter's $3,851.18 per flight hour. Quick, someone do the fucking math! How many helicopters could loiter for 3 hours, raining death and destruction, before it became a better option to fly the B-2 for one hour?Maybe, just maybe...and we know we're going out on a crazy limb here. If you don't want the Department of Defense to joke about dropping bombs, maybe you shouldn't show up on the doorstep to Area 51 joking about raiding their base.If you still want to do the latter, that's fine, but when the DoD makes an equally funny joke...laugh at it instead, because it's a joke. Not a dick.

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