Grunt Style and the TreatNOW Coalition have partnered to help stop the suicide epidemic by treating and healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
The partnership includes multiple organizations who contribute to the costs of healing, along with organizations that offer some medical services.
We are looking for brain-wounded active duty and Veterans, along with first responders, Special Operations and public service members who have suffered brain wounds.
By "brain wounds" we mean anyone suffering from TBI/PTSD/Burn Pits/Concussion whether from combat, falls, accidents, assaults, stroke, MMA, and other sports.
We are changing the language of medicine and the required standards of care that MUST be provided to victims of head banging. Doctors across the board are not conversant with treating a brain "injury" like the WOUND that it is. A physical "invisible wound" to the brain can be treated much the same way "visible wounds" like diabetic foot ulcers, non-healing wounds, burns, and skin grafts are being treated with HBOT daily, around the world hundreds of thousands of times every day. The brain wound can be healed when medicine changes its own addictive protocols calling for drugs, talk therapy, symptom reduction, and computer games.
Everyone reading this is familiar with a cycle after injury where the progression in the VA is typically denial, delay, deception, depression, drugs, death. Add in the other Ds: Dependencies, Diseases, Divorces, Debt, Domestic violence, DUIs, Discharge, and too often Death by suicide.
We are here to help. TreatNOW has helped get legislation passed in ten states calling for the use of HBOT for TBI/PTSD. We have built a network of over 150 clinics that have contributed to the over 31,000 successes treating brain wounds, including over 12,000 Veterans and over 700 Special Operators. We have done it working pro bono and with the help of America's Mighty Warriors, the HOW Foundation, Project 22, the Hugs Project, HBOT4Heroes, Task Force Dagger, Mission 43, KOTERRA, and a growing number of the 66,000 veteran help organizations that have sprung up since 9/11. We testified last month in front of the House Veterans' Affairs subcommittee on health.
Here is the Summary of that testimony. The full set of documents on the Record in Congress can be found at: And we have dramatic videos showing the successes and science of using HBOT:
H.R. 3649, Murphy Bill: HBOT for TBI: Key Historical Issues
● Our country’s veterans are in a health crisis: the veteran suicide rate is increasing. Over 877,450 veterans and service members are suffering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The VA/DoD calls it a suicide epidemic. DOD and the VA declare that Suicide Prevention is their #1 clinical priority.
● The VA’s own statistics indicate ~146,615 Veteran deaths from suicide since 2001
● Yet neither DoD nor the VA will recommend or treat with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) which is proven to virtually eliminate suicidal ideation in 21 clinical trials since 2007.
● The current standard of care for TBI and PTSD includes off-label prescription drugs with warnings of suicidal ideation, EMDR, and immersion and talk and cognitive therapy, which only manage symptoms and do not address brain wound healing.
● The VA 2019-2022 budget allocated $39.6B and $1.1B on mental health and suicide prevention for TBI/PTSD, a near-doubling every 5-years but it is not stopping the wave of suicides and opioid overdoses, which have continued to increase for more than 15 years.
● In fact, untreated Veteran TBI will cost taxpayers $4.7 trillion over forty years. The 3-5 million other untreated, brain-wounded American citizens represent a staggering sum.
● Congress, together with DoD and VA, could expand coverage to include HBOT-for-TBI and save taxpayers an estimated $118.1 billion a year.
● HBOT provides an alternative option, proved safe and effective:
○ Worldwide, 21 clinical studies prove the safety and efficacy of HBOT used to treat TBI and PTSD. The FDA already approves HBOT for fourteen indications, four of which are very similar to brain wounds.
○ In 12 years, TreatNOW Coalition clinics have delivered over 31,000 successes in over 150 Coalition clinics, including over 12,435 Veterans, along with over 700 Special Operations Warriors.
○ USG-sponsored studies erroneously report that HBOT does not work or lacks evidence. Their data prove otherwise. Their errors are a result of using a disproven definition of hyperbaric medicine, now exposed by the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) as flawed.
○ Two Principal Investigators for the USG now note: "Randomization to the chamber . . . offered statistical and in some measures clinically significant improvement over local routine TBI care." Also: ".... total scores for [both] groups revealed significant improvement over the course of the study for both the sham-control group .... and the HBO2 group....." Expert outside consultants to DOD declared that "[HBOT] is a healing environment." . . . .
"This pilot study demonstrated no obvious harm [and] both groups showed improvement in scores and thus a benefit. Subgroup analysis of cognitive changes and PCL-M results regarding PTSD demonstrated a relative risk of improvement . . . . At least fair evidence was found that the intervention improves health outcomes and concludes that benefits outweigh harm. . . Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for mild traumatic brain injury and PTSD should be considered a legitimate adjunct therapy. . . .”