Gather 'round for the tale of Ron Speirs, a fearless Army captain who ran through the "oh shit" zone three times to pull together a win for the 506th. That and also he might have (definitely) shot several P.O.W.s and one of his own men for cowardice. But it was WW2 and that was cool back then. ENJOY!
About the Violent But True franchise.
Why VBT? Well, we understand your needs. You work around a bunch of f*ckwits, you live around a bunch of soyboys, and you've always wondered if anyone has ever bayoneted thirty people in one day.
The solution? Give the people the mental testosterone injection they didn't know they needed.
So, Kick back, grab a cold one, and enjoy the gift of violence with your friends and loved ones as we add new stories of graphic violence to our VBT Hall of Fame!